Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

Gynecomasty is a disorder in which there is an excess of tissue in the chest. This can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. It is given on by hormonal changes during adolescence or after gaining weight. Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic operation involving removing extra fat and glandular tissue from the chest region. The surgery’s objective is to lower the size of the patient’s breasts and improve her look.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?

The average gynecomastia surgery cost is $5000 to $7,000, according to 2020 statistics. This average price is only a portion of the overall cost; it does not cover anesthesia, operating room amenities, or other associated costs. Would you kindly contact Dr. Adajar’s office to discuss your final fee?

The price for gynecomastia surgery will be determined by the surgeon’s experience, the type of operation utilized, and the geographic location of the clinic. Most health insurance policies do not cover male breast reduction or its consequences; however, many plastic surgeons offer patient financing programs, so be sure to inquire.

Gynecomastia surgery costs may not include:

  • Anesthesia fees
  • Hospital or surgical facility costs
  • Medical tests
  • Post-surgery garments
  • Prescriptions for medication

Your pleasure is more than simply a monetary value. When looking for a cosmetic surgeon in your area for gynecomastia surgery, bear in mind that the surgeon’s experience and your level of comfort with them are just as necessary as the overall cost of the procedure.

Request a Consultation as the next step.

Want to see if you’re a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery? Schedule a consultation with cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marc Adajar using this consultation request.

Dr. Adajar serves the Chicago area.